Friday, June 19, 2009

Foot Flirt and CelebriCavs

I know! I know! It's disgusting, but what can I even say? I actually am a dog, you know, and I do like all things gross. But, anyway, who says feet are gross??

Moms tootsies are quite cute, and anyway, I think "foot fetish" is actually like a 'thing'. Just ask Tanner P. from the Bachelorette!

Check out these celeb beauties:

Alyssa Milano's tasty toes

Fergie Ferg's fancy feetsies

AND, speaking of celebrities, check out these celebricavies and other pooches...

Liv Tyler's blendheim, 'Neal'

Jennifer Anniston's pals

Rachael Ray's Pit Bull, Isaboo
(she rubs him)

Natalie Portman's little friend, Whizz

Courtney Cox with Cavs

Harley and Hooper

Terri Hatcher's loves,

Klaus and Pip

Katherine McPhee's blendhi angel

(I sure am a popular color)

Brad and Kimberly's darling, Holler

Demi's little guy with a face that only a mother could love
his name is Vida Blue

and finally, Jennifer Love Hewitt's
these just keep on coming. more on celebricavs later...
til then, meredith


  1. Hi Meredith!
    My human thinks that petting me with her feet is one of the best feelings in the world!
    As long as I don't lick them, 'cuz she's pretty ticklish.
    Neat to see all the CelebriCavs!
    Your pal,

  2. Hi Meredith,

    You got a thing for feet huh? Mom doesn't like her tootsies messed with so no feet licking going on here! BOL

    So many doggies are living the high life with those celebrities. I wonder if they really have a better life than the rest of us.

    Wags & wiggles,

  3. Hi again Meredith,
    I have an award for you over on my blog!
    Your pal,

  4. Thanks for those pretty foot pictures!!
